I cannot believe the snow we just had.
First off, I'm not a winter person at all.
I can't stand the snow, I can't stand the cold, I just hate Winter.
I probably should move somewhere warmer, I don't belong in Wisconsin, because I don't really own anything for winter.
I don't own snowboots, the hat and gloves I have are something a bought once when I decided, hey I live in Wisconsin guess i should have something for snow. And the jacket I have was given to me otehrwise I usually wore sweatshirts!
The snow was horrendous!
I called into work because of it, and because we live on a semi-country road, our road never gets the snowplows through until last. Besides that, yesterday I believe they weren't even allowing snowplows out right away in the morning because of how bad it was.
I took Aiden out in the snow for his first time. He looked like the poor little boy in A Christmas Story all bundled up the way he was.
It's funny, because I remember I used to hate when my mom woudl try to make us wear scarfs when we went outside because I hated the way it made me sweat and the way I had to breahte on myself. But suprise suprise, I made Aiden wear one of my old scarfs, another random buy when I went on a winter binge, around his face, and he hated it too. He had to wear two pairs of gloves, and he his full snowsuit and his new boots. He looked so cute.
He loved it, but he hated when I was outside with him. So I came in, and I guess he wanted me to go back out with him. No, he was not left outside alone, I had him outside with my mom and dad.
He was "helping" shovel the snow on our huge driveway.
Later that night because my Dad's heart isn't the best, and his cholesterol is so bad, I went out to help shovel.
I ended up finishing off the big part of the driveway we had left, because I didn't wnat him to have to do it the next day after work, so I spent about 3 hours shoveling.
Needless to say, but back has enormous knots in it, and my palms hurt so bad, I can't really grip anything tooo tightly because it feels like they are bruised underneath the skin.
I think the biggest thing I hate was that it was nice outside and all of a sudden FREAK WINTERSTORM!
ugh, I hate Wisconsin in the winter.
Well, enough for now.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well, I decided to jump onto facebook and check out the ones that I have on there already. The other ones are the non-edited versions, and since the actual ones that I just got yesterday are so much better I'm only going to put this one up, cus this is actually how it looks!
Isn't he an absolute stud!!! =]
I know everyone, I'm going to have to beat the ladies off with a stick, I know this already even tho it's sad! haha
We were at the mall and two little girls were flirting with him, and as they left they turned and said, bye Aiden...
I was like, DUDE! get there numbers! haha

He had this cute/shy face on. It was the sweetest thing I've seen! haha

we were pirates together! It was super cute I loved it!
I wish we would have gotten a better picture because this is too blurry but I think my grandparents got a good one!
Don't worry, I only wore this out for a little bit and then I changed cus it was freeezing! haha

by far the best one of the night.
His Great Great Grandma gave him this huge thing of animal crackers, and I caught him in this at the perfect time!
I love this picture!!
Well, I will definitely update more later.
I have a lot of entries to write, and a lot of catching up to try and do!
Hopefully I can make it work.
So toodles for now!
Once Again..
Wow, I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog. I guess blogging is just not my thing, even when I know I'm getting graded on it.
I'm horrible at remembering to do something that's a weekly assignment that we are supposed to remember on our own, because I usually only remember the stuff that we are told that week. Boy, I hope I don't fail this class.
I don't see how I would, because I've been doing everything else, but theres always a chance.
Actually, I am really disappointed in myself lately. I've been really slacking this semester as far as grades and schoolwork has been going. Well, I suck. I've never felt like I've done this horrible in a semester ever! And I really haven't. I've always been so worried about my schoolwork and getting good grades. Ugh, I've just had a whole lot on my mind lately.
Also, it doesn't help that I have been working way too much! I'm part-time, and they still schedule me everyday but 2 days off a week. And it's not like they are short shifts, I've been working 30 hours or more a week. That's way more than usual part time. Especially with the holiday season going on right now.
Work is killer on the holiday spirit. Right now I just can't wait till its over, and usually I can't wait till its going on. It's horrible.
I hate working retail. This is my first year, and I don't like it during the holiday seasons.
Makes me hate Christmas! Hah.
well, I just got pictures taken with my little boy for the first time!
When I get them scanned onto my computer I will try to make sure I get it put up.
I suppose I could talk about Thanksgiving.
Aiden and I went to my boyfriend's dad's house for thanksgiving.
It was the first time his dad's family has met Aiden, including his dad.
So, I was pretty nervous. I didn't want Aiden to misbehave. Which of course, once he started getting tired after we'd been there for a few hours, he started doing his screaming. I was pretty embarrassed but whatever.
Then we went to my house, and we went to our family's Annual Turkey Bowl, at features in West Salem.
Drank some free beer and some Champagne for my cousins graduation from Ohio State.
That was pretty fun.
But i couldn't stay out long because I had to be up bright and early to work, yes work, on Black Friday at walmart, at 445am. So if you people reading are some of those crazy's that get up and shop at that time, I applaud you and think you're insane.
People were ripping at the packaging and stuff.
I mean, really? Just to save a few bucks.
Crap, now I'm all stressed out about my schoolwork.
It doesn't help when I'm hardly home.
and when I am it's to sleep, because of work.
I think I'm going to have to change my availability. They are just scheduling me too much.
It's starting for the first time since I started working since I was 16 to affect my schoolwork!
And I'm a sophomore in college.
but then again when I worked at Chuck E Cheeses it was so laidback and whatnot that we didn't really have to worry about anything and we didn't get all that many hours.
I can't complain tooo much just because I really love the money, but it is horrible that its starting to affect my grades.
I just hope it hasn't affected it so much that I won't be able to work something out, or that it's too late for some of my classes.
I don't think I'm doing that horrible in most of them, but that's what I'm hoping.
I'm horrible at remembering to do something that's a weekly assignment that we are supposed to remember on our own, because I usually only remember the stuff that we are told that week. Boy, I hope I don't fail this class.
I don't see how I would, because I've been doing everything else, but theres always a chance.
Actually, I am really disappointed in myself lately. I've been really slacking this semester as far as grades and schoolwork has been going. Well, I suck. I've never felt like I've done this horrible in a semester ever! And I really haven't. I've always been so worried about my schoolwork and getting good grades. Ugh, I've just had a whole lot on my mind lately.
Also, it doesn't help that I have been working way too much! I'm part-time, and they still schedule me everyday but 2 days off a week. And it's not like they are short shifts, I've been working 30 hours or more a week. That's way more than usual part time. Especially with the holiday season going on right now.
Work is killer on the holiday spirit. Right now I just can't wait till its over, and usually I can't wait till its going on. It's horrible.
I hate working retail. This is my first year, and I don't like it during the holiday seasons.
Makes me hate Christmas! Hah.
well, I just got pictures taken with my little boy for the first time!
When I get them scanned onto my computer I will try to make sure I get it put up.
I suppose I could talk about Thanksgiving.
Aiden and I went to my boyfriend's dad's house for thanksgiving.
It was the first time his dad's family has met Aiden, including his dad.
So, I was pretty nervous. I didn't want Aiden to misbehave. Which of course, once he started getting tired after we'd been there for a few hours, he started doing his screaming. I was pretty embarrassed but whatever.
Then we went to my house, and we went to our family's Annual Turkey Bowl, at features in West Salem.
Drank some free beer and some Champagne for my cousins graduation from Ohio State.
That was pretty fun.
But i couldn't stay out long because I had to be up bright and early to work, yes work, on Black Friday at walmart, at 445am. So if you people reading are some of those crazy's that get up and shop at that time, I applaud you and think you're insane.
People were ripping at the packaging and stuff.
I mean, really? Just to save a few bucks.
Crap, now I'm all stressed out about my schoolwork.
It doesn't help when I'm hardly home.
and when I am it's to sleep, because of work.
I think I'm going to have to change my availability. They are just scheduling me too much.
It's starting for the first time since I started working since I was 16 to affect my schoolwork!
And I'm a sophomore in college.
but then again when I worked at Chuck E Cheeses it was so laidback and whatnot that we didn't really have to worry about anything and we didn't get all that many hours.
I can't complain tooo much just because I really love the money, but it is horrible that its starting to affect my grades.
I just hope it hasn't affected it so much that I won't be able to work something out, or that it's too late for some of my classes.
I don't think I'm doing that horrible in most of them, but that's what I'm hoping.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Completely Fallen Behind
Well, besides the fact that I am ashamed to say I have completely fallen behind and forgot about my blog that I am supposed to be writing in everyday for my written communications class. It's horrible enough that when I came in to write my password in I couldn't remember what it was or anything so I had to actually change the password with multiple annoying steps!
And on top of it I really feel like I've just got way to much to handle this month. And I'm extremely upset that our Christmas break doesn't start until the 21st and then ends on the 18th, it doesn't even go the full month! How cheap is that?!
I really just feel like rambling and venting at the moment and that seems to me like a good blog since I haven't written like I have been supposed to.
Maybe if I had written every week like the assignment says I would be less stressed because I would have vented weekly?
Naw, probably not, but it definitely might have helped.
Well, lets see. Today I went to the only place in the world that I can absolutely relax and forget everything going on.
Barnes and Noble.
There is just something about being around hundreds of books that seriously makes me relax so much and I just forget everything I'm stressing about, and just space out about everything except the books.
I wish I worked there instead of walmart.
I would love going to work everyday and how peaceful would it be to work at Barnes and Noble, where it is kind of known for being quiet and a peaceful place, like a library and being surrounded by those books everyday and just helping people who are interested or passionate about the same thing I am.
I sound extremely nerdy about it, but I am passionate about reading more than most things in my life.
I literally read a book a week, sometimes it takes less if I just can't put the book down.
I have really been expanding my horizons lately though, I have been reading classics instead of just the teen romance/scifi books I have gotten into.
and I am a big stickler for reading series.
I am spent sooo much money on books lately I can't help it.
It makes me happy.
When I got to Barnes and Noble I can't leave with one book, I leave with at least 4.
and I have a membership so I save a lot of money with it, thank goodness.
I should have become a member a long time ago.
I will come back on the next couple days or so, as long as I remember and have time to come and do some book reviews on the 6 books I've read so far this month and a half.
So if you love to read like I do, you'll definitely want to hit my blog up! =]
And on top of it I really feel like I've just got way to much to handle this month. And I'm extremely upset that our Christmas break doesn't start until the 21st and then ends on the 18th, it doesn't even go the full month! How cheap is that?!
I really just feel like rambling and venting at the moment and that seems to me like a good blog since I haven't written like I have been supposed to.
Maybe if I had written every week like the assignment says I would be less stressed because I would have vented weekly?
Naw, probably not, but it definitely might have helped.
Well, lets see. Today I went to the only place in the world that I can absolutely relax and forget everything going on.
Barnes and Noble.
There is just something about being around hundreds of books that seriously makes me relax so much and I just forget everything I'm stressing about, and just space out about everything except the books.
I wish I worked there instead of walmart.
I would love going to work everyday and how peaceful would it be to work at Barnes and Noble, where it is kind of known for being quiet and a peaceful place, like a library and being surrounded by those books everyday and just helping people who are interested or passionate about the same thing I am.
I sound extremely nerdy about it, but I am passionate about reading more than most things in my life.
I literally read a book a week, sometimes it takes less if I just can't put the book down.
I have really been expanding my horizons lately though, I have been reading classics instead of just the teen romance/scifi books I have gotten into.
and I am a big stickler for reading series.
I am spent sooo much money on books lately I can't help it.
It makes me happy.
When I got to Barnes and Noble I can't leave with one book, I leave with at least 4.
and I have a membership so I save a lot of money with it, thank goodness.
I should have become a member a long time ago.
I will come back on the next couple days or so, as long as I remember and have time to come and do some book reviews on the 6 books I've read so far this month and a half.
So if you love to read like I do, you'll definitely want to hit my blog up! =]
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Well, I decided to take some of our classtime right now to write my blog. My paper is at home on my computer and I forgot to bring my USB drive inside to put it onto that. So, I figure I should use the classtime to do something for class, for once!
I don't really have a whole lot to talk about. Aiden is getting bigger than ever.
Last night I got home from work, and he was running around the house, and my mom said that he hadn't napped at all.
He's found a new thing to do, which is to climb the couch and jump off. He thinks its super funny when I tell him not to do it! Thankfully we put a small mattress there for when he decides to do that. We were in the process of moving it into the basement when he decided it was good where it was, right on the living room floor.
Other than working and going to class I haven't had much time for anything.
One of my best friends is coming home this weekend which will be really nice.
Hopefully we'll actually get to see her! I'm trying to talk her into going out on Saturday night!
But speaking of classes, if anyone has to take Anatomy and Physiology, BEWARE!!
It is the worst class you can ever possibly take!! It's horrible.
And I'm sure you've heard that its hard, but take it from me, its worse than just hard!
I thought I was going to have a super difficult time with it going into class, but somehow it's even more difficult than I even imagined. And I have a pretty big imagination!
I've never done so horrible in a class in my entire life, and it makes me so mad that this is something that no matter what I don't seem to understand.
So, take it from me, and if you know you will need that class, sign up for A&P study skills first!
I've heard from people that it helps.
And any help you can get for that class, you'll need.
I'm not really sure what else I want to talk about.
I suppose how upset I am that I might not even get to take my son trick or treating this year when he can actually walk, and we have matching costumes.
Yep, that's right.
Stupid Wal-Mart.
I asked off, and my request was denied because "lack of coverage."
Well, I say if someone asked off and they don't have a kid, that they need to work because I just don't think its very fair to us young parents who would actually love to go with our kid! I'm so mad about it! I could just flip!
But, I guess theres not much else I can say about it.
I'm going to try to make sure that I get switched if they schedule me when I should be trick or treating! That's for sure! I'll be so mad if no one will.
And of course, I'll have to try to switch if they schedule me early on Sunday cus I would like to go to at least 1 halloween party this year in my costume that I spent so much money on.
Otherwise, I guess if worst comes to worst I'll have to save my costume and wear it next year!
As long as I still fit into it, but I dont' plan on gaining any weight within the year, so knock on wood.
Well, I would really like this class to end right now.
So, I think I'm going to do some fun stuff until it is over.
Hopefully all is well with everyone.
I don't really have a whole lot to talk about. Aiden is getting bigger than ever.
Last night I got home from work, and he was running around the house, and my mom said that he hadn't napped at all.
He's found a new thing to do, which is to climb the couch and jump off. He thinks its super funny when I tell him not to do it! Thankfully we put a small mattress there for when he decides to do that. We were in the process of moving it into the basement when he decided it was good where it was, right on the living room floor.
Other than working and going to class I haven't had much time for anything.
One of my best friends is coming home this weekend which will be really nice.
Hopefully we'll actually get to see her! I'm trying to talk her into going out on Saturday night!
But speaking of classes, if anyone has to take Anatomy and Physiology, BEWARE!!
It is the worst class you can ever possibly take!! It's horrible.
And I'm sure you've heard that its hard, but take it from me, its worse than just hard!
I thought I was going to have a super difficult time with it going into class, but somehow it's even more difficult than I even imagined. And I have a pretty big imagination!
I've never done so horrible in a class in my entire life, and it makes me so mad that this is something that no matter what I don't seem to understand.
So, take it from me, and if you know you will need that class, sign up for A&P study skills first!
I've heard from people that it helps.
And any help you can get for that class, you'll need.
I'm not really sure what else I want to talk about.
I suppose how upset I am that I might not even get to take my son trick or treating this year when he can actually walk, and we have matching costumes.
Yep, that's right.
Stupid Wal-Mart.
I asked off, and my request was denied because "lack of coverage."
Well, I say if someone asked off and they don't have a kid, that they need to work because I just don't think its very fair to us young parents who would actually love to go with our kid! I'm so mad about it! I could just flip!
But, I guess theres not much else I can say about it.
I'm going to try to make sure that I get switched if they schedule me when I should be trick or treating! That's for sure! I'll be so mad if no one will.
And of course, I'll have to try to switch if they schedule me early on Sunday cus I would like to go to at least 1 halloween party this year in my costume that I spent so much money on.
Otherwise, I guess if worst comes to worst I'll have to save my costume and wear it next year!
As long as I still fit into it, but I dont' plan on gaining any weight within the year, so knock on wood.
Well, I would really like this class to end right now.
So, I think I'm going to do some fun stuff until it is over.
Hopefully all is well with everyone.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Stressful Weekend
Talk about a crazy stressful weekend.
It was Oktoberfest and I didn't even get to do any festing or celebrating! I didn't even make it to the parade.
I got really sick this weekend with the flu, and while being sick I still had to work and take care of Aiden. God forbid anyone gets sick at Wal-Mart, we get a verbal warning if we are sick 3 times during a 6 month period!
Sunday was the absolute worst. I had to work 7am to 3pm, and I felt the worse I had felt all weekend. My whole body was aching and throbbing. By the end of my shift, I could barely stand up. I had to strength or energy, I had a fever, and nausea! It was horrible. Then I had to come home and try to play with Aiden and take care of him before I was able to lay down. It was so hard.
So, needless to say, I had so much more on my mind then anything about this next week, meaning I completely forgot about the things I needed to do this weekend for school.
Monday I didn't go to my classes because I was still so sick, so I have to retake my A&P exam. Had to go to work until 10pm, and to go to classes today still not feeling 100% to realize that I forgot about an exam and assignment over the computer that was due last night for my Race class! I feel like an idiot! I thought we had till next monday for some reason and now I hope I didn't screw up too much and he'll understand to let me retake it or find a way to make the points up. Oh dear.
This is why I hate getting sick. It aways makes me fall way behind! And then I'm even more stressed than usual!
Well, got catching up to do, so take care!
It was Oktoberfest and I didn't even get to do any festing or celebrating! I didn't even make it to the parade.
I got really sick this weekend with the flu, and while being sick I still had to work and take care of Aiden. God forbid anyone gets sick at Wal-Mart, we get a verbal warning if we are sick 3 times during a 6 month period!
Sunday was the absolute worst. I had to work 7am to 3pm, and I felt the worse I had felt all weekend. My whole body was aching and throbbing. By the end of my shift, I could barely stand up. I had to strength or energy, I had a fever, and nausea! It was horrible. Then I had to come home and try to play with Aiden and take care of him before I was able to lay down. It was so hard.
So, needless to say, I had so much more on my mind then anything about this next week, meaning I completely forgot about the things I needed to do this weekend for school.
Monday I didn't go to my classes because I was still so sick, so I have to retake my A&P exam. Had to go to work until 10pm, and to go to classes today still not feeling 100% to realize that I forgot about an exam and assignment over the computer that was due last night for my Race class! I feel like an idiot! I thought we had till next monday for some reason and now I hope I didn't screw up too much and he'll understand to let me retake it or find a way to make the points up. Oh dear.
This is why I hate getting sick. It aways makes me fall way behind! And then I'm even more stressed than usual!
Well, got catching up to do, so take care!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Fun Night Out..
I had a great night last night, with two of my oldest friends that I hardly have time to do anything with anymore.
My best friend, Brittany and my Friend Adam. It was awesome! I've known brittany since I was 2 years old. We used to be neighbors, and then we both moved into town. We've been best friends through everything. Its crazy to think how long we've known eachother. Its also rare to have such a good friend for so long.
I feel lucky to have it!!
Last night we went to Witch's Peak up on the bluff. It was dark, and I'm deathly afraid of heights! So the whole time I had that adrenaline feeling, where I was always on edge. My heart was racing but I did it anyways! It was an awesome time!!
We took a lot of pictures and stuff.
Then we got hungry and went through Taco Bell drive-thru. I was so hungry, I ordered a chicken quesadilla, a soft shell taco, a hard shell taco, and cinnamon twists. Yah, what a pig!
Adam works at the one in Ona. so he thought it'd be funny to order a triple grande meal! but he told he was kidding when she freaked out!
Then we went to Myrick Park, it was a lot of fun!
So many good memories!
Feel good that you have amazing friends and love them everyday! =]
My best friend, Brittany and my Friend Adam. It was awesome! I've known brittany since I was 2 years old. We used to be neighbors, and then we both moved into town. We've been best friends through everything. Its crazy to think how long we've known eachother. Its also rare to have such a good friend for so long.
I feel lucky to have it!!
Last night we went to Witch's Peak up on the bluff. It was dark, and I'm deathly afraid of heights! So the whole time I had that adrenaline feeling, where I was always on edge. My heart was racing but I did it anyways! It was an awesome time!!
We took a lot of pictures and stuff.
Then we got hungry and went through Taco Bell drive-thru. I was so hungry, I ordered a chicken quesadilla, a soft shell taco, a hard shell taco, and cinnamon twists. Yah, what a pig!
Adam works at the one in Ona. so he thought it'd be funny to order a triple grande meal! but he told he was kidding when she freaked out!
Then we went to Myrick Park, it was a lot of fun!
So many good memories!
Feel good that you have amazing friends and love them everyday! =]
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