Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well, I decided to take some of our classtime right now to write my blog. My paper is at home on my computer and I forgot to bring my USB drive inside to put it onto that. So, I figure I should use the classtime to do something for class, for once!
I don't really have a whole lot to talk about. Aiden is getting bigger than ever.
Last night I got home from work, and he was running around the house, and my mom said that he hadn't napped at all.
He's found a new thing to do, which is to climb the couch and jump off. He thinks its super funny when I tell him not to do it! Thankfully we put a small mattress there for when he decides to do that. We were in the process of moving it into the basement when he decided it was good where it was, right on the living room floor.
Other than working and going to class I haven't had much time for anything.
One of my best friends is coming home this weekend which will be really nice.
Hopefully we'll actually get to see her! I'm trying to talk her into going out on Saturday night!

But speaking of classes, if anyone has to take Anatomy and Physiology, BEWARE!!
It is the worst class you can ever possibly take!! It's horrible.
And I'm sure you've heard that its hard, but take it from me, its worse than just hard!
I thought I was going to have a super difficult time with it going into class, but somehow it's even more difficult than I even imagined. And I have a pretty big imagination!
I've never done so horrible in a class in my entire life, and it makes me so mad that this is something that no matter what I don't seem to understand.
So, take it from me, and if you know you will need that class, sign up for A&P study skills first!
I've heard from people that it helps.
And any help you can get for that class, you'll need.

I'm not really sure what else I want to talk about.
I suppose how upset I am that I might not even get to take my son trick or treating this year when he can actually walk, and we have matching costumes.
Yep, that's right.
Stupid Wal-Mart.
I asked off, and my request was denied because "lack of coverage."
Well, I say if someone asked off and they don't have a kid, that they need to work because I just don't think its very fair to us young parents who would actually love to go with our kid! I'm so mad about it! I could just flip!
But, I guess theres not much else I can say about it.
I'm going to try to make sure that I get switched if they schedule me when I should be trick or treating! That's for sure! I'll be so mad if no one will.
And of course, I'll have to try to switch if they schedule me early on Sunday cus I would like to go to at least 1 halloween party this year in my costume that I spent so much money on.
Otherwise, I guess if worst comes to worst I'll have to save my costume and wear it next year!
As long as I still fit into it, but I dont' plan on gaining any weight within the year, so knock on wood.

Well, I would really like this class to end right now.
So, I think I'm going to do some fun stuff until it is over.
Hopefully all is well with everyone.


  1. I know how you feel about halloween, the place where I work has a total of like 10 people, so I have to work and I was really hoping to go trick or treating with my cousin.

  2. I also have to work on halloween.I didn't even get the chance to ask off, they just forced me to work, but I'm not to mad about it. And I also feel the when you said all you do is work and school. Thats exactly how my life is right now. School and work all week, and work all weekend. Hopefully it will pay off at the end.
